Sunday, October 25, 2009

How Much Do You Know About Hair Loss?

Hair loss is most commonly known as hair loss. It is the condition of losing hair, most evident on the head. Angrogenetic alopecia, otherwise known as male hair loss is the most common problem hair loss in men.

Normally, the hair falls out in the telogen phase. Within normal amount of hair is 25-100. If the hair fall exceeds the normal, the condition is already leading to hair loss hair loss.

Male Baldness

Male pattern baldness or alopecia angrogeneticis the most popular type of hair loss, especially in men. This is characterized by a receding hairline. The usual onset is around 25 years, although receding hairline is teen on the agenda. This condition can be a genetically determined.

Men with male pattern hair loss have lower testosterone levels as compared to normal men. And they also have higher androgens, particularly dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Male Baldness

Female hair loss usually has more than one. cause The most likely cause of hair loss in women than in men the same: androgenetic alopecia. The usual course of hair loss in women starting at age 50 but can occur as early as 20, especially if started very early puberty. Unlike the receding hairline in men, the female hair loss is characterized by a diffuse thinning of hair, the entire scalp.

Unlike in men occur, other types of hair loss in women. Trichotillomania results from compulsive pulling of hair strands. ThisCondition results in an uneven appearance since hair pulling tends to concentrate in a particular area.

Triangular alopecia may also in women. In this case, the hair is lost in the temporal regions. It usually begins in childhood. The cause is unknown, but may be medically corrected.

Cicatricial alopecia is typical of African American women, who often tight braids or corn rows in the scalp. This ignites a rule, the hair follicle, and subsequentlyProduction of scars on hair loss.

Telogen effluvium occurs when moving a large portion of the hair growth on the telogen or resting phase of hair cycle. Usually, this condition after childbirth or after a chemotherapy session.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a disease that can occur in both men and women. This is an autoimmune disease where the body's cells attack the hair follicles due to hair loss. Alopecia Areatastarts as a bald spot, lost, in which certain areas of the hair.

The condition can be developed to alopecia areata totalis, which lost all scalp hair. And it may also cause alopecia areata universalis, where all the hair on the body including the pubic hair, is lost.


Hair loss can be caused by a number of reasons. Common hair loss is due to stress. Stress can be brought as through personal, social and health problemsDiseases.

Problems of circulating hormones in the body can be a cause of hair loss. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism have the same effect of hair loss in humans. Hormones such as estrogen-androgen and also cause hair loss in men and women. Hormonal problems must be corrected to prevent hair loss.

Certain medications also cause hair loss. Anticoagulants or blood thinners, chemotherapy drugs, gout medications, tranquilizers, birth control pills and an excess of vitamin A are underthose that can cause hair loss.

Fungal and parasitic infections of the scalp can cause hair loss. Hair loss is indirectly involved in this case.

Infections can cause itching and scratching can cause some scarring which will contribute to the loss of hair on the scalp.

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