Friday, October 30, 2009

What You Should Know About Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness, scientifically known as androgenetic alopecia, has affected more than forty million people throughout the United States. Studies show that twenty-five percent of men experience the start of male pattern baldness at the age of thirty.

Others experience it as late as sixty years old. Complete hair loss is actually more common in men and is intended to be permanent. While experts is the cause of a complex condition, the scientific name alone, states the problem in fact is given by two major factors: hormonal and genetic.

Contrary to popular belief, caps does not cause hair loss or thinning hair. Hair loss Hair loss is hereditary. Brushing and massaging the scalp does not help to grow healthy hair. Even the cleaning of the scalp has not been extensively demonstrated that the follicles to help the cracks and allow the regrowth of hair. Baldness is in some way be caused by extreme psychological stress. There are two known types of alopecia, namely alopecia areata and traction> Hair loss.

Alopecia areata causes patchy hair loss on the scalp and its main cause is to attack as a result of the immune system of the body, the hair follicles. Experts say this type of hair loss is treatable. Traction alopecia is clear from the hair moves for a long time and is caused by hairstyles like tight braids. This can be solved if the pulling to remove the hair.

Male pattern baldness is not as a medical disorder.While there are some people decide to let the process run its course you are, there are some who so wish to be treated because it can lead to depression and anxiety. Complete hair loss in men can be treated with prescription drugs and surgical therapies. Prescription drugs are Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia).

This option is for men who are ideal, with thinning hair at an earlier date. Currently, only these two drugs properly approved by the Food and DrugAdministration. Surgical treatments for hair transplant and scalp reduction are two possibilities. Since this is a surgical procedure, there are certain risks, such as infections and scarring.

Cosmetic treatments are perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to deal with male hair loss. For men who are not comfortable with medications or surgery could be a toupee or hair piece to do the trick, and there are many shops today that custom make toupeesto cover the balding area. Options for hair loss is a big topic among people today, so if you are or look in the light of these procedures, you must discuss the pros and cons with your doctor.

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