Friday, November 13, 2009

Balding Treatment With Cellular Replication

It is a completely new hair loss treatment is stopped, as we revolutionize baldness and thinning hair issues. This treatment, such as cell phone called replication, is a radically new way to grow new hair follicles actually on a bare spot, which means we can now really replace the hair and not just moves existing hair around his head. This means a person with hair loss can now do without the expensive and invasive surgery and hair implants to begin with a new hair growsimple injection.

There are many disadvantages of the traditional hair implants. First, there is the great problem of scarring. The hair follicles that are transplanted into the bald spot, must come from another part of the scalp are removed. This means that parts of the skin, usually have on the back of the head, be removed at harvest these hair follicles. This may leave long and deep scars across the back of the head. There is always the risk of infection and rejectionif a hair transplant procedure is performed. This may mean a costly and painful recovery. Finally, hair implant surgery is how many hair follicles can be removed from an area of the scalp, regulated to insert into the bald area. A person with thinning hair can not successfully use this method.

Many if not most of these problems with the mobile phone to facilitate replication method. Since this method actually grow new hair follicles, it is not through the one-yearNumber of hair units, which can be harvested. This method requires only a simple biopsy with simple injections. This means that you have not been able to create complex and lengthy operations, the infections. At this time there are no known side affects, unlike some hair loss medications that may cause such terrible problems as birth defects.

The cell phone Replication Balding Treatment is currently based in human studies and should be available in the near future. Preliminary tests carried out sincethe year 2000 have shown this, that a remarkable potential treatment for baldness.

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